Sorry, T-Swizzle. (Blog Entry 3)

Oh boy, I think I like blogging. It really lets me rant about something in a more rhetorical way! I never thought that could be something I would enjoy.
I immediately knew which song I hated when I saw the prompt for the blog this week. I know I’ve already seen a few Taylor Swift fans post on here, but I’m sorry; I really do loathe her music. I apologize ahead of time for offending the fans. The number one song I truly hate would have to be “I Knew You Were Trouble”. Let me go back and give you a little bit of history behind my hatred for everything she sings. I started out as a huge Taylor Swift fan when I was fourteen years old as her first single came out. I really enjoyed her lyrics because they pertained to me and my angsty, hopeless romantic, singer/songwriter high school self. Her songs spoke to me and the experiences I was going through at the time. She sang about having crushes on the boys on the football team, and going to high school for the first time, and telling someone you loved them. All super cheesy themes but I loved it because I was young. I loved country music as well and her style was right on the money for me. As I started to grow up a little and she became bigger as an artist, I started to notice that her lyrical quality was not improving as she aged. She was still singing about dumb things that didn’t have to do with our age group anymore. She’s a little less than two years older than me, and I didn’t think that at her age she was singing things that struck an interest with me anymore. I began to really despise everything she was singing about. She is always bashing on everyone. Some beautiful girl that won the heart of the boy she liked, or the boy that just didn’t like her because she’s a self proclaimed nerd, or the other artists that make fun of her. It seems to always be something or someone with her. I don’t think she has really stuck to her true self as an artist. She has switched genres and her style so many times that it is hard to keep up with what her sound is going to be like next. That frustrates me because I believe she could be better if she focused on who she really is as an artist, and not just what the media wants and expects from her.
The song itself kills me for a few reasons. Besides the fact that I can’t listen to it anymore without hearing the screeching goats ( ) the song just bothers me in general. This is an example of why I can’t stand her sound because it isn’t consistent. This track is a mix between country vocals, lighthearted pop beats, and punk-rock techniques to make her sound even more angsty than we know she already is. The song starts with a whimsical, jumpy beat that sounds nice, and then it builds into this almost dub step progression that “drops”, if you will, at the start of the chorus. Her voice is distorted and whiney the whole time. The lyrical content is extremely immature and weak. There are a ton of cliche lines, which I really try to avoid when it comes to music. She opens her song with “Once upon a time”. She lost me there. If you watch the music video, its absolutely dramatic and I can’t handle it.
Obviously I have some deep rooted issues with Taylor Swift and I could really go on and on with them. I think she is a sell out and I don’t think she is that talented. I’m also a little bias because I am a singer myself and after years of A Cappella and choral singing I get a little nit-picky with things. I think she did a great job of getting to where she is today, but I don’t think she’s as great as her competitions in the musical industry.

1 thought on “Sorry, T-Swizzle. (Blog Entry 3)

  1. I think it is interesting that you can’t relate to her music, or that you feel like as you grew up you grew out of it. If you’ve read my blog posts you would know I am a huge Taylor Swift fan. I am trying to be a little unbiased here but I also fell in love with her music since I was young (I think we are relatively the same age). I have loved her music so much because I feel like I was growing up with her. She would release an album and I would go through the experiences she sang about. I still feel that way even with her new album when she sings Wildest Dreams, I can relate to being so in love and hoping they still think of you. In high school I couldn’t have related to a song singing about a boy having things in my room or at my house, because I didn’t have my own house (and boys could NOT go in my room haha).I also feel like she has always stayed true to herself by singing about her love life and the things that happen to her because those are the things that make someone feel and want to express those feelings. I understand where you are coming from in your argument but I definitely don’t relate to what your saying.


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