This song is in one of my favorite genres! (Blog Entry 6)

Blog Entry 6

This song is in one of my favorite genres!

Now that we’re thinking critically about genre this week, let’s look at some specific examples!

Choose a song in your favorite genre (if you can pick a favorite). Note that this does not have to be the same genre you chose for our genre assignment!

Listen to the song again and provide a link so that we can hear it, too. Think rhetorically about the features that mark this song as an example of this genre, and maybe even take some notes as you listen.

Then, write a post in which you:

  1. Identify the song title and artist, and what genre you would classify this song as a member of.
  2. Justify yourself. What about this song– use musical terminology here!– reveals that it indeed belongs to this genre?
  3. Why does this song speak to you?
  4. Why does this genre speak to you?

Respond to 3 of your peers’ posts about music genre in thoughtful, meaningful ways.

Have fun!

About thewrtgteacher

I am the Universal Instructional Design Consultant in the Office of Information Technology at CU Boulder. I love music and the visual arts, and occasionally I'm lucky enough to teach upper division writing courses on these topics!

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