Resumes Blog 13

The first thing that drew me to this resume was the color which is not something I would normally associate with a good resume. However, I think that the yellow stripe is attention getting and does an excellent job of coming across as cheerful yet still professional, and considering that this resume is for a teaching position that is a great start. The color affectively does the job or portraying some personality in a positive manner without being too informal.

On second glance the other strengths are how well organized and clean the resume appears. After first noting the color and name at the top the categories are the next thing my eyes were drawn too, and I liked that I knew exactly where to find the information available without having to try.

Visually I found the white space was well used, it allows the eyes to focus on what is important without crowding the viewers perception. It draws the eyes towards the content rather than away form the content and appears natural and balanced.

All in all I think this resume does a great job by being visually appealing, appearing organized, and having a nice flow to its content with good use of white space and color. These are all elements that say this person is proficient, knowledgeable, and easy to work with, all qualities that are valued in our society looked for in a good employee.

Generally I never listen to music when I’m doing homework or any kind of work because I really am one of those people who is distracted by sound of any kind, especially sound that I like. However, if I had to listen to music it would be something that did not contain lyrics of any kind and is very gentle. An example that I can think of is something like Japanese flute music which is generally low key and I can tune out if necessary. I like it but it doesn’t overwhelm me the way some music does (in a good way).

2 thoughts on “Resumes Blog 13

  1. Ella, I like how you talked about color in the resume. I have never thought about how color could effect a resume but you’re completely right. It does! It brings some new creativity to the resume and helps set it apart from other more generic resumes. I agree with you that its other strengths include organization. In my opinion this is one of the most hey elements in a well put together resume. I personally listen to music when I study so Im wondering how you can go without it. I guess it must be really easy to concentrate without any distraction but I still enjoy a little bit of noise. I agree with you that music with no lyrics and a gentle sound is the best kind to listen to while writing or studying. I will have to try out some Japanese music and see if its good for studying. great post!


  2. I loved your post because now I am going to start listening to japanese flute music whenever I do homework and randomly throw it into party playlists just to see how people react, one of the most soothing sounds ever to exist. I also agreed with everything you said about your resume, the organization is on point, it was appealing to the eye, and to the point. Thanks for the post!


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